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vic asked in Business & FinanceCorporations · 1 month ago

How come stores don’t give volume discounts?

I saw a man buying a tv in Walmart he asked how much discount would ge get if he bought 3, the person helping him got a manager who said Walmart doesn’t give discounts, seems kinda strange to me 

6 Answers

  • Judy
    Lv 7
    1 month ago

    volume discounts are for huge quantities, not 3. And Walmart stores are not in the wholesale business.

  • 1 month ago

    Hi there.  Do not know where you are ...... but if you have an  ELECTRONICS store near you, then have a look.   They already discount their goods,  but 3  T Vs looks ripe for a good deal.   This store also has outlets nationwide, some offer free installation.   Look on line  -  they have a good website.

    Source(s): ELECTRONICS Store
  • Retail stores give discounts to staff and some give discounts to seniors. They offer sales and coupons frequently, so they don't have to give bulk discounts. They don't typically give bulk discounts, they don't make money off of giving out discounts like that. If more then 3 TV's were bought, then you could consider that bulk. 

  • 1 month ago

    Retail stores do not give volume discounts. And 3 units is not a great volume.

    Walmart's procing structure is such that the potential volume discount is passed through to the buyers. If you want a better price, see if the importer/distributor will give you a percent or two.

  • 1 month ago

    Three is hardly a volume. If they needed 20 for an apartment complex then that they would do. 

  • Amy
    Lv 7
    1 month ago

    3 is not bulk. If he bought 100 tvs, he might get a discount. 

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