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What is this Rock ?

Found this under a deck.  It is about a foot long.  Superficially it appears quite porous as it is covered with tiny holes.  Yet it is quite heavy, like iron.  It does not seem to be magnetic.  Quite tapered at the one end and rounded at the other,  It does not appear to have broken off of any larger rock.   Petrofied yam ?

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1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    It is definitely petrified. My advice to you, is to take it to a Pawn Shop or two, they may be able to you. They are very knowledgeable on a lot of weird stuff, or they can recommend where to take it... I must concur.... When I first saw this photo, it looked like a dead bird from my angle. And as I took another look, it  DOES resemble a yam....🙂

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