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Lv 5
jijawm asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 2 months ago

 Alex, may I take 'Court Rulings' for $400?

Daily Double!

Let's make it a true Daily Double.


"Too soon, too late, no standing, and/or moot."

Uh, In the 2020 presidential election, what were the Court's rulings on election improprieties in lieu of actual reviews of the evidence?

You are precisely correct!

Ding, ding, ka-ching!


Oh, sorry, Don, the judges noted that your answer excluded the words "no merit".

Your answer is disqualified and the game goes to Biden.

Update 2:

Sorry, common sense, "looks like a duck and waddles like a duck"  does not pass for evidence in a court of law.

But ballots that have never been creased nor seen the inside of an envelope...We can deliver pallets of ballots just as you described to strategic voting places and they WILL be counted.It's up to you to prove in a court of law, which a DOES have chain-of-custody rules and extremely strict rules of evidence, that they should not be counted. Good luck with that.

1 Answer

  • 2 months ago

    Kind of ignores the fact that some of the hearings were on the merits before dismissal for lack of merit, and the plaintiffs admitted that they had absolutely no evidence for fraud, and denied in open court that they were claiming actual fraud.

    So, sure, if you want to lie, you can say what you just claimed.  Does not make it true.  Just makes you look either ignorant or a liar.  So which is it?  Neither one gives us a decent reason to listen to what you have to say.

    Neither "I don't know what I am talking about" nor "I don't care what is actually true" breed much desire for us to take your opinion seriously.

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