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How can I set a limit on how much of a computer's resources a browser (and other apps) may use?

And shut down the app's internet connection when not in use?

It's as if the designers believe the entire computer is their oyster and disregard how much of the computer's resources it hogs. I really don't care for my computer to be caching content I'll never look at, and when I DO want it, I'll ask for it. 

Chromebook seems to build that in by design. It used to be that <esc> would stop a browser in its tracks immediately - no "designer approved" exceptions. 

I had to learn to shut down firefox or chrome if I intend to leave the computer running, otherwise it's likely to be frozen when I return.

Taskmgr invariably identifies a browser as the villain.

Can't comment on Edge. After I use it, I shut it down immediately, after seeing the resources used by other MS products, such as Teams. 

MS Teams, Outlook - always at or near the top of the list. 

1 Answer

  • 2 months ago
    Favourite answer

    My experience with Fire Fox is that it's a very well behaved program.  I've never seen it doing extra stuff.

    My guess is that you picked up virus.  Try deleting Fire Fox and then reinstall it.  If the virus is hiding in Fire Fox, that would get rid of it.

    Right click on the icon.  Click on security.  Here you can set limits.  But It's dangerous.  You need to know what your doing.  Personally I've never messed with that part of windows.

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