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How to adjust to a nightshift job?

I work at a McDonald's and I am going to be working nightshift for a few weeks. I am scheduled to work from 10pm to 7am on Fri, Sat, and Sun (and I know this is less than ideal, but right now I really need to do this). I have worked evenings, but not a night, so any advice? Thank you in advance

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    6 months ago
    Favourite answer

    I live in Las Vegas where many work graveyard shift. Midnight to 8AM bartenders are common, with no meal break. You obviously have to sleep before or after work. Most go for before work. Make the bedroom as dark as possible. Telephone off/alarm clock on. Have clothing ready minimizing time to get out the door. Biggest issue is procrastinating; trying to get more sleep. Just get up when alarm sounds. Adjust meal times and type of food as needed. 

  • Anonymous
    6 months ago

    A happy light can help.

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