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Wht are people here such jerks about minor typos?

Occasionally I'll make posts here ask questions about writing or various other topics. I'm usually on my phone and often use voice to text instead of typing. If I happen to miss a typo or where the vtt misheard me and put a different word, all the answers I get are calling me out on minor typos and basically saying I could never be a writer etc. I have a bachelors in education but am treated like a child because I might miss a comma or a typos because of dyslexia. I obviously put more time and effort into a novel or a paper, but a few seconds less on one of these posts where I just want to know something random that a Google search might not glean.

What makes people so negative?

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago
    Favourite answer

    I can't really answer for other people

    For me. if someone puts up work for feedback and there are typos I'll point them out. It's part of giving feedback. Plus, if they had taken the time to read their own work (usually they copy and paste) they'd have noticed them. This suggests to me they wrote it last night, didn't bother reading it and just slammed it up for others to read. Why should I bother to read it, for nothing, when they can't be bothered? Pointing out grammar and spelling is part of giving critique. It's just a sign of laziness in writing looking for feedback.

    But in an actual question I don't. I make errors on here all the time as well (look above). I will read through my question and correct ones but sometimes, on the screen you don't notice obvious mistakes. I don't give critique unless it asked for. The only time I comment is if the text is so terrible I can't understand what they are asking. But the internet is a wonderful place for bullies and idiots to get together. One nasty comment and everyone seems to jump on board.

    I posted some work a month ago on here and on AW. AW noticed very few mistakes, this site everyone basically said all of it was terrible and they could hardly understand what I had written. I linked this to AW and everyone was laughing and taking the mick out of the idiots on here. I was advised not to post work on here anymore because there was too much ignorance.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Do you mean, "WHY are people here such jerks about minor typos?" Come on, dude. If you're gonna do it, do it right.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    If you are going to post on a public website, you need to grow a thicker skin.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    You're a moron. You might pretend to be a writer in your own little mind, but in reality you're just a moron. Don't waste other people's time asking why they pegged you for a moron when you're obviously a moron. It's not that people are negative, it's just that there are enough morons out there already, so why add your idiocy to the whole? Shut up. Go away. End of problem.

  • Maxi
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    " because I might miss a comma or a typos because of dyslexia." Not true! You are not dyslexic, you have never been diagnosed with dyslexia and as with many people who have basic skill needs you use it as an excuse.... so

    "What makes people so negative?" same as what makes people lie about being dyslexic......... being a human being...some people like to lecture and online forums are an ideal place to do it

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    In any group there's a range of people some of whom are negative.

  • 2 years ago

    Because people are pretty sad. The brain automatically figures out the word no matter how it's spelt, that whloe tihng lkie tihs proves it hah.

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