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Anonymous asked in Local BusinessesCanadaEdmonton · 2 years ago

I shipped a package from the USA to a friend in Canada...?

there was a box of store bought cereal, a teddy bear, and a note inside. The box was returned with a sticker over the address that says "Uitreiken aan: VERENIGDE STATEN" there was nothing else on the box but the shipping label and the postage sticker. There was minor damage to the box, but nothing that should have made it unfit to be shipped. I payed both postage and taxes ad what have you... Why was my package returned and what does that sticker say?

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 months ago

    To be issued to United States. is what the sticker says.  I guess it can't go to Canada.  Talk to your postmaster and find out the new rules and regulations.  That type of Food Item should go through because it is neither MEAT nor Produce.

    You know you are to blame, never the P.O.

  • danxp2
    Lv 6
    2 years ago

    Sticker is in Dutch.

    Sentence Translation


    uitreiken distribute; ration; hand out; confer; give out; dole out; dish out; parcel out; hand round; pass around


    aan to; on; upon; at; in; up; onto.


    United states.

    The sticker says in Dutch send to United states.

    Why it was to the United States you would have to ask whoever you sent it out with.

  • 2 years ago

    The sticker is in Dutch, and it says "Transferred to: UNITED STATES." I have no idea why it was returned, unless it was incorrectly sent to the Netherlands.

    Please contact the company that was supposed to deliver the package: perhaps it was shipped in error to the Netherlands.

  • 2 years ago

    It contains food. You can’t ship food from one country to another unless it’s been processed (canned), freeze dried, or some other means to render the food sterile. If a bug or whatever is not native to the country and it escapes, it can destroy the economy. Look at the Asian carp and what it’s done to Lake Erie or the bullfrog to Australia.

  • P
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    It basically says "return to the United States" in Dutch. My guess would be you really messed up your friend's address.

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