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Anonymous asked in Local BusinessesMexicoCuernavaca · 2 years ago

Can scientists still feel love?

Or does the fact that they know it’s only dopamine and a primitive method by which animals are coerced to reproduce mean that they don’t feel it? Since it’s emotional and not logical?

14 Answers

  • 2 years ago

    Umm sometimes in mexico we are burritos and tacos, you should invest in a restaurant in mexico

  • 2 years ago

    Understanding the logic behind the emotion does not rob someone of feeling the emotion. They could develop more control over those emotions based on the knowledge they have, but overall no, they still feel love, they just understand that it IS a physical phenomenon.

  • 2 years ago


  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Of course they can't feel love. Don't be ridiculous . They are scientists, not hippies !

  • Kate
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    Of course, they are not Robots, they are humans with normal feelings.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Of course, knowing how the body works does not mean that one can be freed from its control. If you are hungry, for example, you need to eat, and knowing that hunger is just a signal the stomach sends to the brain makes no difference. Love makes a person feel good, and scientists like to feel good, just like anybody else. In fact, the reason they became scientists is because they like doing science. It makes them feel good when they can make a living as a scientist.

  • Cowboy
    Lv 6
    2 years ago


    scientists are not from Vulcan

  • 2 years ago

    You are confusing lust for love. And there is a whole science focused on emotions and beliefs; it's called psychiatry which includes psychology. Both are sciences that can and have addressed the feelings we call love.

    But to a point, even if we didn't study love, that doesn't preclude us from feeling it. We don't need objective studies of love to feel it. So yes, scientists can still feel love.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Lol, still feel it just know that it’s only caused by chemicals.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Where do you get your lies from?

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