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Anonymous asked in Local BusinessesBrazilSao Luis · 2 years ago

How would my life be better if I believed in God?

Don't quote me anything from the Bible as I am not interested in it. Instead, tell me how believing in God will make my life better.

Don't start telling me about how I'll go to heaven or whatever or anything like that because I have no interest in an after life or waiting for some mystical end of days that is supposed to happen a billion years from now or whenever it's meant to be.

Tell me how my life NOW will be better if I believed in God.

What will believing in God give me in THIS life that I can not get on my own without God and without believing in God, and how.will that make my life better?

19 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    for some people ir gives them a better outlook on life that there's something beyond this life

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    If you feel your life is missing something that religion fills, that is awesome. If not, it's not for you. Move on and good luck .

  • 2 years ago

    If you and your relatives/friends can commit to using ethics in your daily decisions, there is no need for a belief in God. As an adult, you do not need a daddy to tell you what to do, all of the time. I also used to be a Christian. I make better decisions, than i did before, because there is no thought of "what would please God?".

  • 2 years ago

    hey...don't worry dude, once you believe a god he give's everything to you...not soddenly but one day he gives everything to you.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago


  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    If you accept Jesus into your life and heart and will apply and live out the word that he has provided for us to have your life will prosper in many many ways. Without quoting Verses (Because u have asked us not too) I will talk from personal experiences...

    1) You will be healed from addictions! Sickness! Depression! Mental Illness! Anxieties!

    2) Your health will improve.! Both mind body and spirit! That is both in physical and spiritual form! The badness will start to be removed from your life in every area...

    3) He will physically provide for you (both Spiritually, and Materially & Financially)

    4) You will blessed and your life prosper and you will find a new way of living.

    5) He will give you new circle of friends if that is what is needed and he will guide and you assist you through the rest of your living days and after the End has come you will have Ever Lsting life.

    That is only if you let him in..........

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    It would make absolutely NO difference whatsoever.

    I know. I was a Christian for 25 years and have been an atheist the past 5.

    My life is absolutely no different now than from before. I was terrified and fully expected to fall apart, but I didn't. In many ways I experience more joy since I don't have to stress over going to hell.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    2 years ago

    It's always better to live by the truth.

  • 2 years ago

    peace, joy, hope

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    I love you.... ............mmm ..

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