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? asked in SportsHandball · 2 years ago

I know it was not my dog but would he have saved me if the other dog chewed them off?

It was the first day of dog walking. I walked this dark brown male staffy cross pitbull lurcher who is 3 years old. I walked him in the woods and this dog with no lead or coller smashed into me knocking me flying. He bit me all over before biting me in the groin and not letting go. It was all very very painfull but once he bit me in the groin and would not let go i was screaming and crying in agony. I felt a testicle between his teeth and the bite was getting harder slowly crushing a testicle. The dog i was walking was just standing there watching. The dog let go in the end but if my testicle had ruptured i would be absolutely screaming and crying in utter agony. Would the dog save me or still just stand there?

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    You post this over and over and over in 6 screen names. Do you get an erection from the thought of your testicles being ripped off or from the answers you get to this question?

    Share this with your Psychiatrist.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Amazing, Barry, that this happens to you at least twice a week.

    I don't know why you are concerned about losing a testicle. It's not like it's a body part you actually use.

  • 2 years ago

    lol When a dog attacks they DO NOT GO FOR YOUR NUTS. This is only what you wish would happen. Saves you money on part of conversion from man to woman. They gotta come off any way.

    Instead of a twisted sister you are just twisted & distorted.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    No. Next time, you'd better carry a gun.

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