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Idea: Aliens have no king and queen?

and if gods don't exists, then they don't either?

5 Answers

  • 2 years ago

    Most animal kingdoms including humans have a king or queen so assuming that path in nature aliens would as well, don't know what the god question is tough.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    if your trying to use movie logic on real aliens its kind of weird. the aliens in the movies are based on insects like ants. which quite a few science fiction writers have theorized that aliens could have evolved differently than us. more insectoid. so they may have at the very least a queen. because a lot of hive based insects do. why wouldn't they exist? we do. what do gods have to do with this?

  • 2 years ago

    1. You're chatting, not posting a question.

    2. Answering your own questions is called "point-gaming" and like chatting, is against the Community Guidelines.

    Why not pretend you're legit and just TRY to ask a question. Try.

  • 2 years ago

    they don't have to have a king or queen to have other royalty or a leader

    but lile you said they don't exist never did just people calling themselves aliens when they are clearly human (but that's not so obvious at first)

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    But they have Interdiocesians though

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