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Sammy asked in SportsWater Sports · 2 years ago

What kind of boat is the best for long term living/sailing?

I am looking into buying a boat for long term sea travel and living for months at a time. I am not too familiar with how to shop for boats and what I should really be looking for. So what kind of boats are best for this kind of travel/living? What should I be looking for when shopping for a boat? I'm mainly looking for sailboats.

6 Answers

  • Pearl
    Lv 7
    2 years ago
    Favourite answer

    i would go to a place that sells thenn and ask thenn all these questions

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Well if you've got a few $100,000 dollars to spend go ahead

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Assuming you have the money (I’m sure you do, I mean I do), you should google it and talk to various shops. Do research. Yahoo answers is full of jealous haters who try to bring successful people down, so they won’t be of much help on this Q

    Best answer lol! Thanks

  • 2 years ago

    The cheapest type of boat is a ferro cemrnt one. You will need a keel boat , not a multi hull

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Fagetaboutit - if your first course of action is to ask on YA you are a 13 yr old dreaming of something you will NEVER obtain.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    You do not have any money yet. People who do this things live in gated communities, have a wealth portfolio in the millions of dollars and talk to an agent, not in YA.

    You can join the navy and get some "sea time" on a destroyer so you can feel how it is to live in the oceans for weeks, sometimes months at a time.

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