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Any suggestions from cartilage piercing pain?

I just got my forward triple helix done Saturday, can't lie its insanely painful. But it was just for the moment really. And at the moment the piercing itself isn't hurting unless I touch it or something, but behind my ear kills, which is apparently normal. I've been taking pain killers every 6 hrs, and the second it wears off it aches again and feels more like a radiating headache. Anyways I'm not a fan of taking painkillers so I'm wondering if y'all have any suggestions for the pain aside from that. Apparently it could last up to a month.. But I can't really be taking pain killers for a month, so anything would really be helpful.

Thanks and have a wonderful day!


Dude, its not the percing that hurts (god, looks sexy as sh*t though!) Its behind the ear, where the nerves would be. But yeah, I've been keeping it clean.. Its just blahhhh. Pain dammit, PAIN!

Update 2:

Lol.. Totally cannot afford it. I should get the bf to get it for me. Blahhh shoot me now!

Yay, you and me both. Hey I was looking into the rook, what do you think?

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favourite answer

    Soak it in a solution of sea salt and warm water 10 minutes a day. I read up on how to deal with pain when I was planning to get my lip pierced.

    I want pictures when it's healed, it will be freaking sexy.

    You don't soak it 'just' where the piercing is, you have to soak the area around it. I'm sure it will make you feel better, go buy some sea salt.

    I'm even more motivated to lose weight now so that I can get an awesome lip piercing. It'll look hawt. Guys won't be able to choose between us.

    Nooo, I don't like rook piercings >.>

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