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in runup to the election of 2014 how many more States would be created ?


the context is indian political tamasha

3 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favourite answer

    The only possibility is Puerto Rico IF Congress acts on the legislation.

    The PR Delegate has introduced legislation and Obama supports adding PR. All it takes is a simple majority vote IF Congress gets off it duff and acts on it.

  • 8 years ago

    GorkhaLand is another good demand. Trifurcation of Uttar Pradesh is possible to ease the effective administration and balanced development of different parts of the state. We should not see the creation of smaller states as a problem but a solution to reflect and unify the concept of the 'Unity in Diversity'.

    Very often people's genuine concerns are overlooked in order to keep the status quo. The creation of Jharkhand, Uttranchal and Chhatisgarh has sown remarkable progress and stability in the political system.

    The very idea of keeping the culture and customs of the tribal areas untouched has given rise to skewed development scenario in India. Most of the naxalite movements are mushrooming the areas which got deprived of the fruit of the development and the growth of the Indian economy in the world.

    It depends on us how we look at the problems and how be try to tackle. In India, we are used to the nature of remaining indifferent to the many social, political, economic and environmental issues and problems which did not get solved but got magnified over time.

  • 8 years ago

    your question makes NO sense at all

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