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Gautam M asked in Society & CultureLanguages · 8 years ago

Wish you a happy married life.Translate it into French.?

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favourite answer

    "Tous mes voeux de bonheur" (or "tous nos voeux de bonheur" - if the wishes come from a couple / family) is a classic wedding wish.

    Je vous souhaite une vie pleine d'amour et de bonheur.

    Je vous souhaite une vie heureuse mariée (literal)

    Believe it or not, this time Gooogle translate is right: Je vous souhaite une vie conjugale (très) heureuse

  • 5 years ago

    Happy Married Life Wishes

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    To me it seems like the teenagers are doing their best to split the two of you up, which is selfish on their behalves, both your son and his daughters. You're probably getting to that age now where it's hard to find someone else and marry. From an outsiders perspective, I see nothing wrong with the marriage. Sometimes kids don't like their parents to get remarried and replace their other parent because they only think of themselves. They aren't thinking about your happiness. Perhaps your son is the reason for your regret, and maybe he's made you feel bad about getting married. I suggest you go to counseling and try to work things out before you throw the towel in.

  • 8 years ago

    "Je vous souhaite une vie conjugale heureuse."

    ^ According to Google Translate.

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