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Lv 4
Pooja asked in HealthWomen's Health · 8 years ago

anybody can help me with this problem? my nose is bleeding for last three months, gets clot at times. help pls?

blood comes from my nose continuously for some few hours, even while sleeping.

2 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago
    Favourite answer

    Hi pooja,when the environment around u get heated thn ur body sometimes not tht much ready to accept tht and thts y our nose the breathing point starts bleeding.Pooja it would b more bettet if u pls read the details in the below link so tht u overcome with this problem and also u should know tht y some people start bleeding from nose,as u say it come for few hrs its a too much time tht a nose bleeding should b,may b sometimes a threatning for body,but dont worry at all just read the link it will help u alot.Tc

    Source(s): Beauty Exp
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    If your nose bleeds quite a lot you net to get it cottonised they stick cotton up your two nostrils and it should prevent your nose from bleeding I don't normally have nose bleeds so I have never got it done so I can't give you much tips its only my little sister which got it done she went to her doctor a

    Told them what was wrong and she got it done hope this helps

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