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Why some people are rich and some are poor?

even though hardworking some peoples are poor and without doing any-work some people are rich why?


some are extremely rich and some are dying for food

10 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favourite answer

    1 If you believe in God then agree that it is the result of our previous deeds.

    2 According to our Karma we were born in a rich or poor family.

    3. Money fetch money and not merely hard work.

    Some are rich and some are dying for food is bad distribution system in the country.

    4.Poverty and richness is the results of economical base and policies of the country.

    5, export and import un equalisation is also responsible for it.

    6 Inefficiency of power and control

    7. Lac of education

    8 Lack of resources.

    9 In efficient use of resources.

    Source(s): ever feel
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Education is a major reason, and it begins in preschool. Even in public schools the resources spent are different depending on the economic region. The salaries are higher, which sometimes makes a difference. And an MBA from Harvard will bring a much higher salary then the same degree from a less prestigious college.

    Expectation is a big motivater also. Rich kids don't aspire to be postal clercks and their parents expect more also. Failure is not an option for some.

    After that its connections. Rich people hire rich peoples nephews.

    Free enterprise is like monopoly. When all the properties are for sale, and you can pass go without paying more than $200, it's fun for everyone. But eventually the money accumulates with a few, and all fairness goes by the wayside. For the really poor it is better to go directly to jail, and stay there watching the masses being abused by the very rich.

  • meena
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    The best philosophy is religion. Man needs to be controlled in all aspects of his life. Even a small child needs to be occasionally threatened from doing mischief. Hence we have constitutions, laws, government, police etc. But man-made laws are with many flaws. That is why constantly amendments are being made to the national constitutions. Above all these, the best control for man is his own self control. How to achieve this? It is thru religion and the fear of God. You need to be spiritual on some basis. And that basis is religion. U have to identify the right religion. Religion means path of life.

    Humans have the unique feature to think and then act. Intelligence of men is a boon as long as it is guided properly. The same can become a problem like HIV, Nuclear Bombs, Terrorism, Climatic Changes etc. This intelligence feature should be governed by some universal laws which is called religion. Religion means Way of Living. Unfortunately, today Man is losing the power to think and act due to his negligence of His Creator.

  • 9 years ago

    I'm guessing you are talking about financially poor.

    People can be poor in many ways.

    Poor in spirit.

    A poor diet.

    Poor health.

    But if you are speaking about poor financially my best guess would be because some people have money and some don't. That would be my best guess.

    I do know this.

    The amount of money or success a person obtains has nothing at all to do with their own personal responsibility. It's all because of someone or something else. It's always a result of religion or other people and individuals have nothing to do with how much money they have.

    It's always someone else's fault!

  • 9 years ago

    people that make alot of money but chose to be poor do a few things incorrect to be able to have and hold money. a few mistakes are like this. 1. works hard but then puts all their energy into action (work) then they dont want to put any energy into thought (budgeting) 2 if they do budget they do it once a month and never see where they can "cut back" or get better rates or plans or whatever (this cut back should be checked weekly). 3. if they see they are spending on silly and stupid items they still arent willing to let go of their ignorance and they wont settle for less than what they have now- example- my bf wont give up cable even though we NEVER watch it- we watch netflix...but he likes the IDEA of owning cable.... (duhhhhhhm) 4. once they do save that extra money- get past attatchments- and actually budget and budget cut....they go out and take that money and spend it on a bigger bill than the last. now they say "i have extra money what can i buy- ohhh i can make payments on a couch now or a car payment!" ..its programmed into us....years of tv ect. 5 if you can do all that and save your money then there is the problem of what to do with the extra money and use it wisely- this takes financial education and alot of studying and hard work to learn about what to invest in. people dont want to do the work because they are overworked. or they do no have the discipline..... this is why america is broke.... they know nothing about assets and liabilities- good debt versus bad debt and just laziness and ignorance. and the number one killer..impulse buying..also they use the excuse they are victims like some other answers here. that life is not fair and there are no choices...blah blah blah..

    Source(s): its the choices we and going from rags to riches personally- 2 years of hardcore money studies - pick up a book at your local library- start there- examples are rich dad poor dad- how to get fast profits in hard times. and a personal fav of mine is = financially stupid people are everywhere dont be one of them! = - awesome funny book- also suzy orman - becareful though she works for fico companies- and watch youtube videos on millionaire mindsets and anything else you can look up- pick a millionaire you like and read how they did it. connie is right networking and proper socializing is key
  • Milton
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Part of the problem is that life is not fair. Part of it is that people who are poor are often not taught the skills they need to emerge from poverty. People who are rich often are willing to do things that would assume lack of conscience to stay rich.

    In many societies there is no mobility. If you are born poor, you are going to die poor. SAt least where there is some opportunity, there is the possibility that anyone can become rich.

    In my own life I have demonstrated upward mobility from very poor to comfortable through hard work, education and luck!

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Because our entire society is built upon the notion of inequality. Without inequality, there would be no rich v poor or powerful v. victims.

    We create these conditions and defend them from any ideas of sanity. If you know what I am saying, then please talk about this with others, so that we can get enough people who are willing to even consider alternative economic models.

  • 9 years ago

    power and control favors the rich...

  • 9 years ago

    There are millions of reason because that is life as we have created it.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago


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