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? asked in PetsDogs · 9 years ago

What should i do to my puppies?

Today i got two puppies home they are 8 weeks old. I guess they are scared of me, i mean they don't come to any human being and keep hiding from me all the time, and when i touch them they start crying or sometime they bite, and one of them bite me today. what should i do to make them free to play with me or with any human being? and what about that bite do i need to do any injection? blood also came out from my fngr where she bitted me?

8 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favourite answer

    You just brought home two puppies that have had their world turned upside down. They have never known anything other then their mom, their environment, and their littermates. Try sitting on the floor and using treats to get them to come to you. Let the puppies come to you, not the other way around. It will be less threatening to them. Give them a chance to get use to their new surroundings. When they come to you for the treats, do not try to pet them right away. Let them get use to being around you.

    As for the one biting you, that is the only defense they have and they sound like they are very scared. It sounds like the people you got the puppies from did not so much handling of them, so you need to be patient.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    They sound nervous, leave them for a few days to settle down, and just make sure they have water, food and a comfy bed to sleep in without being disturbed. They will soon begin to trust you. If this does not work once they have settled down, and they peruse to bite. Get a dog behavioral expert out, it may not seem a problem a little 8 week old puppy nipping you, just wait until there fully grown!

  • 9 years ago

    It might not be that serious to the extent that you need a shot.

    But best to disinfect properly since its an open wound. If it worsens, then you might wanna see a doc. Which i think is highly unlikely. Since they are puppies, doubt they have rabies or what not.

    Give them some time to warm up to you. 8 weeks is about the age they just left their mommy.

    Give them treats and toys. They'll eventually warm up. Bring them out to play. Socialize.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    It doesnt sound like they were properly socialized in the early stages of life... just approach them slowly and always have a yummy treat at hand so they associate you with good thing, just ease into it and eventually they will become less fearful... also once they are used to you, it would be good to get strangers and other animals to come play with them (introduce slowly) to help socialize them properly so they wont become aggressive in the future :) Good luck.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    you should consult a doctor for the bite and in order to change their habit give them little lukewarm milk at least 2-3 times a day.

  • 9 years ago

    Give them some time. My family fosters and rescues animals, and usually they're very nervous. After a while if they don't get used to you, try giving them treats when you come in the room or come near them (:

  • TK
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Get a copy of "Puppies for Dummies" for some good information on how to care for them.

  • 9 years ago

    take back to mother

    talk to trainers, vets and groomers

    get books and read how to own and raise puppies

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