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in google search , is there a way that particular website is not listed in response or blocked ?

when carrying out google search theres are no of website which only show that you have to member to gain access , knowing suth web sites , is it possible to block such website from crowding the search results

2 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago
    Favourite answer

    Your English is not perfectly clear.

    I do not know any way to block only membership sites, most of such sites I encounter are free to join, with membership used on many sites as a tool to reduce anonymous spam content.

    You can add negative keywords that might eliminate some of these sites, if you can identify an undesirable phrase, you can add to your search -"sign up" -"members only" to possibly remove some results.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    What is your question? There are many other websites where you needn't be member of in order to gain access to it, try to put your question with some clarity.

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