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tillan2k asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 10 years ago

A separate prison be built for millionaire/billionaire scamsters 2G, CWG, coal, Hasans in Andeman .?

The prison should have facilities compatible with type of life they lead and social equals.

The high expenses can be recovered from residents

a ticket should be charged from visitors to the Golden cage . Collection might be comparable to offering to Lord of Kerala mandir


Now that the MP in jail want to attend parliament session whcih otherwise they did not attend , it would be better along with faclities for MP a branch of Tihar Jail be constructed as annexe of the P House so that MP can commute betwwen P house and jail and offer their valuable services to to ther MPs

4 Answers

  • xaxorm
    Lv 7
    10 years ago
    Favourite answer

    They already have white collar prisons. Those types live a lot better than the dangerous prisoners. And it's lot cheaper to keep hedge fund managers in a camping resort than it is to keep murderers in a high security cell.

    Good luck getting them to pay anything though.

  • 10 years ago

    Such a prison would defeat the very purpose of incarcerating these scammers.

    They should now learn,understand and appreciate the travails of the common man whom they cheated while amassing their ill-gotten wealth.Also if all their wealth is confiscated,then where is the question of any kind of recovery from the "residents"

    as you choose to term them?Even as a facetious poser,it is only somewhat funny.

    I do have a suggestion regarding the use of the confiscated wealth.It should be exclusively used to pay for better medical aid to the poor,education of their children in good schools and colleges,better quality of food and such like all at state cost.

    Have a Good Day.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Not necessary.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    they prefer to call it rehab.

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