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What happened to Shri P J Thomas CVC . or his stars have eclipsedalong with DMK?

if his backers lost so has he

can any inquiry be ordered


in india only corrupt can be brazen

was there any nexus in 2G/3G license and his tenure in various ministeries

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    he has been eased out as per SC orders. Successor is yet to assume duty,THe question could have been more relevant if put on the former Chief Justice Balakrishnan.Whether he is still the chief, NHRC

  • 10 years ago

    His appeal is pending.But however honest he says he is,the fact remains that he

    accepted the post despite there being an inquiry still pending against him in the old palmolein case.He should have either refused the appointment or indicated to the PMO about that fact.Just as the DMK has now become History,so also PJThomas

    Have a Nice Day.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    He is really unfortunate &unlucky.He is only a victim of circumstances.

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