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Process of landing visa in UK?

My son reaching UK next week to join as a cadet in a shipping company. What is the process and cost of landing visa in UK & how much time it will take.

3 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    I don't know a lot about this area of immigration, but as I understand it, your son will be given Leave to enter for temporary Shore leave as long as he:

    "• has satisfactory documentary evidence of his identity and status;

    • is under contract, as a member of its crew, to a ship in British waters and which is to leave British waters;

    • does not intend to take employment except in the terms of this paragraph;

    • intends to leave the United Kingdom on the next sailing and does not intend to base himself in the United Kingdom;

    • is not a person to whom any of the general grounds for refusing leave to enter set out in Paragraphs 320 or 321 of HC 395 apply."

    As a visa national, his passport will be endorsed on arrival in the UK with "JOINING SHIP (NAME OF SHIP) AT (PORT)".

    The cost is £47.00.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    For more info, kindly check this site,

  • 1 decade ago

    This question makes no sense.

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