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Lv 4
? asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

How to convince landlady to let me foster for shelters/rescues?

I haven't asked her yet, so don't go telling me to move or whatever. I want a persuasive little speech before I even talk to her.

She gladly rented to us when we already have 3 big dogs, but I did explain that mine are older and well-behaved and don't destroy building fixtures. Her last tenant had a small dog that chewed up the bottom of one of the doors. She didn't even charge us a pet deposit, but we had to put each individual dog on the lease.

She was really happy that we wanted to move in, since we are young professionals and our neighborhood is mostly low-income. Some of our neighbors are on public assistance. Then again there's a mansion across the street. This is an older downtown area.

She's also a dedicated Christian and has personal missions. Like she originally bought this house in order to rent it for cheap to a lady who had a young daughter and lived in an apartment with bullet holes in the front exterior.

Anybody have any thoughts on how to appeal to her? I really want to start fostering.


Hana, I was thinking something along those lines but a bit more subtle. :) LOL

She does have one rescue dog of her own, and she also has labrador retrievers. Thinking about maybe saying that I want to sponsor an older lab specifically.

Update 2:

Not planning on BSing her, I'm just planning my approach. I'm sure she doesn't know anything about rescue and fostering and the organization that goes with it all.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    Maybe you could try to convince her with things such as "Didn't the Lord create beautiful creatures like you and I? Didn't He create these lovely dogs too?" Lol. (:

    So make some sermon-esque speech to her and how you are doing your personal mission by helping these dogs. Tell her to think that you are like her in the sense that you are helping others too, and that is your passion, just it so happens that it is dogs that are your passion. And she obviously respects you and thinks well of you, so that will be handy. Also she trusts you, which is very important.

    Start off this speech with asking about it simply with a little persuasion and see her reaction. If she looks like she is not going to give in, then you should try your hardest and use any weaknesses of hers, for example "Would the Lord be happy that you turned these poor homeless animals away?" or something like that. Very cheesy. Good luck (:

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No BS no persuasive speeches just ask. Explain to her why you want to foster and so forth. If it makes her feel comfortable hash out a contract or add on to your lease - you will be responsible for any and all damage done by the fosters. At her discretion if she no longer feels comfortable with this arrangement she has the right to put a halt to it. You will notify her ahead of time what breeds or mixes you are taking in, how many, ages, known problems etc.

    If you already know what shelter or rescue yo wish to work with contact them and ask for a run down of what they expect from their foster homes how things are handled etc and present her with that.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Simply ask...if you feel fostering is your calling then tell her that, but if not don't BS her just because you think it will work. You will get further being honest with her than trying to come up with a line to feed her. Make sure to tell her you are willing to put in writing as an addendum to your lease that you will pay for any and all damage done by the dogs you foster, if you are not willing to so then don't foster.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ask her. If she says no, wait until you move. Be prepared to pay for all damages the dogs do.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would promise her that if the dogs did any damage, I would have it fixed myself, and would not bother her with any of it.

    And then do it.

    Source(s): Had tenants who allowed their dogs, cats and birds to destroy the house.
  • bob ©
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    just ask her. dont suck up to her or start quoting bible verses to her. just ask. the worst that can happen is she can say no.

  • 1 decade ago

    be yourself and she'll let you

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