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What is easier- to pull or push a substance ?

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    In physics the force to move an object, overcome its inertia, is the same, whether pushing or pulling. It depends on the substance which is easier.

    It is pretty hard to usefully push jello or water or a dog on a leash. But other things, solid bodies, are usually easier to push.

    But large solid objects are easier to push than pull, at least for humans. It has nothing to do with the object, it has to do with human anatomy and physiology. Most people can bring more strength to bear by bracing themselves and pushing than they can by bracing and pulling.

    You will notice that when circumstances allow, people choose to push rather than pull. WHich is why in so many jail break movies a convict gets pushed up the wall but once on top he can not pull his fellow convict up to also escape. Remember that.

  • 5 years ago

    this is a false statement and is being promoted by the coaching institutions. pushing is harder or easier than pulling totally depends on direction of forces and resultant of all applied forces. for the example pulling a body on a inclined surface upwards is very difficult but for pushing is easy (even it will slide down without applying any force i.e. due to gravity). there are infinite number of such examples.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you are applying force horizontally there is no difference. But if you are applying force at an angle theta with the horizontal then frictional force in pulling will be less than that of pushing. This will make pulling easier than pushing.

  • 1 decade ago

    i think to push is easier.

    because for pulling u need to apply force toward opposite direction which u face and push is not so .

    u can easily apply force in the direction of yours.

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