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What drives people to commit crimes? AG Ramasubramanian?

Recently there have been reports of serious crimes like kidney scam, shoot outs in campuses etc. to name only a few. What is the driving reason for such behaviour?

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    A good Question...

    Note: Most of criminals today r well qualified...

    I believe lack of knowledge on legal laws and also corruption in legal system. Money is not only the source for criminal activity. Recently a Doctor in south india had helped his son (14yrs) operating on a pregant woman. Guess what he wanted win a guiness book of records and which is lively recorded by his father. Both r in jail. Is it money ??

    The only person in world who is authorized or legalized to cut human skin is a Doctor who is also paid to do that. So i believe it is necessary to educate him about laws where he is also punishable to do the same. Does every teacher know canning a student is punishable. Do u know what is legal/illegal to type in YAHOO ANSWERS. Something which is legal yesterday is illegal today. It is like software u keep on updating ur knowledge.

    Hunting was a pleasure long time back. now it is illegal. It is necessary to educate everyone on laws. i will not say crime can be abolished but sure it can be reduced.

    Prevention is better than cure. Every operation theatre must carry a statutary warning on Doctors laws.

    Bottom line : Driving reason is Lack of knowledge on legal system and corruption.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Over the last few years Indian youth has

    gradually been drawn to the western culture in every aspect of life.Little wonder therefore,that

    shoot outs both in school and college campuses are rising in number.So also sexual

    crimes.It is not that these perpetrators are

    oversexed.It is just that they want to show their

    power and at the same time take pleasure in breaking the laws of the land.The thrill and the danger involved are what drive them.The other types of crimes like the kidney scam,bank frauds,credit card scams and most homicides

    are for monetary gain.The fast life and the expensive tastes lead to crimes to acquire

    quick wealth.In short the trend seems to be not to engage in productive,honest work but find a sinecure.Criminalisation of politics has to a large extent contributed to this malady.Sigmund

    Freud would have had a field day trying to analyse the criminal minds which seem to be working overtime inventing newer ways to

    commit crimes of every type under the sun and much more.

  • 1 decade ago

    whatever anyone else wrote, is just plain stupid.

    It's only a crime, because the government and the people of society say it is. How do you know if there is a right and a wrong? Sometimes, when you have a psychotic breakdown, the world crashes in and swallows you up. so you get tired of it all, you accept your fate but not your life.

    I can't explain what i mean. I too am a lonewolf. I was a liability at my school because i didn't act like the rest of the college children.

    The reason, you get sick of everyone else's **** and you go on a killing rampage, because really.....who's going to stop you.

  • 1 decade ago

    the legal system with all its loop holes is the route cause for all the ills of the society.You may say eye for an eye is not the best way but if the laws are made stricter crimes can be reduced to a larger extent.apart from handing down heavy punishment at the shortest possible time the properties en massed by the accused should be taken over by the state and used for development work. regards mohanarj jebamani

  • 1 decade ago

    Mental illness...

    You can't tell me that anyone committing these campus/ school shootings and things of than nature are anything even close to mentally stable...

    And as far as things like kindey scams (all scams in general) That is just plain greed... if people think they can make a quick buck off of someone, with little to no work involved, then they will!

    It's very unfortunate...

  • 1 decade ago

    In the US criminals are romanticized as heroes & martyrs. The media, in its own right, may think they are providing service to the public by reporting the misdeeds. Yet if you put them under scrutiny, they provide the publicity seekers with their 3 seconds of fame. In this depressed secluded society, why not do it with a bang. It is a game to see who is smarter, authority or the seekers of acknowledgement. On the otherhand, the economy has made it harder to meet another need!

    Source(s): Phd in life
  • John
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Crooked politicians drive people to commit crimes. George W. Bush and his administration committed many different types of crimes against the people of USA. They get a pardon but you and I don't.

  • 1 decade ago

    to become rich on overnight.

    if a man is not caught on his first crime,it is a tendancy of human psycology to do more crimes

  • 1 decade ago

    Read the book, "Inside the Criminal Mind". It will explain a lot to you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    now a days media is in very visuvalised.hence the every event is shown big by tv

    Source(s): kjk
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