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Lv 5
A U M asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Puppy problem.?

I got a 3 month old puppy. Recently he started a habit of biting every one. There is a limit but its too much.

For that I gave him chowing bits, wood etc. Still he hurt people. I afraid it will continue as

he grows.

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    Puppies are extremely mouthy and they don't understand limits. I've read where if a puppy bites then attempt to play with him using his toys that he can bite on and if he attempts to bite your hand replace with the toy and make the toy more fun to play with thus encouraging him to bite appropriate objects. How much that would work I don't know.

    Do not give your puppy wood to chew they will eat it it can get stuck in their throat and cause choking and a possible obstruction. What I did with my weimaraner is whenever she accidentally bit my hand while playing I would hold her mouth closed tightly but not enough to hurt her, then I'd get right in her face and in a low growly type voice I would say "no biting" I would hold her mouth till she cried then I would release. I did this quite a few times as she matured. It worked for me as she stopped doing it as she got older. Now if we play and she accidentally bites me while playing I hold my hand and yell OW, she knows immediately she's done wrong and she cowers to submission and then I praise her.

    Whatever you do do not hit her on her nose, dogs have a lot of delicate bones in their nose and you could do some damage. Remember, you must teach boundaries and limitations, if you allow him to get away with biting then yes, you will have a biting problem as he matures. Just explain to people if they insist on playing with him that he is a puppy and might bite, at least you warned them. Just be sure since he's still a baby that you don't encourage him to play games where he does bite.

  • 1 decade ago

    I had a similar problem with my puppy and was successful by yipping high pitched when he bit me. This let's them know that what they are doing hurts. If he is biting things like wood in the house or shoes etc, redirect him with a chew toy, frozen bagel, etc.Please do not give him wood to chew on as this could cause health problems, not to mention behavioral problems later on. The biting and nipping is normal, all puppies go through it. You just need to teach him that biting people is not acceptable by either doing the high pitched yip and if that does not work, tell him no bite.

  • Jami W
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    It's just a puppy thing, every time he bites, tell him NO BITE and put a toy or something to chew on in his mouth. He will get the hang of it. That is how puppies "feel out" their world. My dog stopped biting hard at about 7-8 months. She learned how to bite soft when playing and not to bite for anything else.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes puppies teeth and this is a very good time to teach that teeth on humans is a NO NO. No need to go over board on it, a firm, no nonsense NO and immediarely hand the puppy a toy works well enough. It also works for the sofa, molding, chair leg.... Be consistent and patient and don't foget praise when the pup is chewing the right item you gave him.

  • 1 decade ago

    my dog did this all the time when he was a puppy. When ever he would go up to someone and you would pat him he would bit you. Well when he got about 4-5months old i would give him alittle tap on the nose and say NO everytime he would bit someone. He hated it and and slowly started to stop and replaced the biting with licking. He is now about 10 months old and nips at you every once in awhile but ha pretty much stopped. We did the same thing with my dog who is about 7 years old now and she never bites

  • 1 decade ago

    I have raised guide dog puppies for 5 years so you can trust me. Whenever my puppy started chewing on or biting people and other animals I would put a long leash on him and wait until he tries to bite then I pick up the leash and give him ONE quick and sharp yank. I keep doing that until the dog realized that it was bad to bite people.

    Source(s): Me. Professional puppy raiser for Guide Dogs for the Blind.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think he's just teething. Give him a bone or a teething ring or a chew toy. Something better than wood. Dogs won't chew on wood. And if he isn't teething and just biting everyone, flick him on the nose when he bites. Sooner or later he'll get the message.

  • 1 decade ago

    Maybe you should watch it is that people do that might be a trigger to the biting. You could put him on a leash, bring people around, and as soon as you see him start to react, just give a tug on the leash and say "No." It'll probably take a little while, but it could help. That's what we did with our dog. ^_^

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He will grow out of it. I have 4 puppies and they all did. We redirected them to their toys. You have to realize that they are teething too. Just tell them no and maybe try having a little water sprayer on hand when they do. If you do this then he will associate biting as a bad thing. Good look and just be patient and consist ant!!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    It's normal! I have a 3 month old puppy too, and we've trained him not to bite. Sometimes he gets a bit too excited and does it, but if you're consistent with "NO BITE" and redirecting them, he'll learn. But you MUST be consistent! We also trained him to know what "LICK" means, and when he starts to nibble on us we tell him to lick and he does.

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