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Diwali or Deepawali festivel of lights & sweets?

As we all celebrate this great festival of lights & sweets, what we find that in the name of lights we explode crackers thus increase both air & noise pollution. The sweet we eat is made from adulterated milk which can bring innumerous harm to our health. We go out for purchasing new items for ourselves & our home but get struck in big traffic jams apart being cheated by the local merchants who sell out of date & spoiled articles at expensive rates. We distributes gift items to friends & relatives, which actually happens to be exchanging those pieces which we got from them, just the giver & taker get changed. We buy gold & other ornaments at higher rates just because it is auspicious to do so as being advised by holy priest & astrologers, which on any normal days we could have got in much lesser competitive rates. This festival means visiting of Goddess Laxmi, the Goddess of wealth at our place of living & work, but when the festival is over we find the balance left in our accounts will not be enough to carry us till the end of the month. We love this festival & pray to God the almighty to give us peace of mind & prosperity for the whole years so that next year we again repeat these things during this great festival of light & sweets. A Happy & prosperous Diwalli to all!

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    Happy Deepavali! I endorse your view. But this festival gives life to many people depending on their labour to industry. Such people should realise the points focused by you and make all Happy in short span of time.We pray The GOD to show them right path.

  • 1 decade ago

    Happy Diwali To All

  • 1 decade ago

    These are our rituals Mr. Lawyer and we can't go against them. Also it's chance to find happiness in life, when everyone is happy and enjoying herself/himself. Instead of finding fault in this just enjoy it.

    May be the voice of crackers and light of of the same irritates you but everyone enjoy it in different ways.

    So enjoy it because there are very less chance in life for happiness and more for pain.

    In advance HAPPY DIWALI.

    Source(s): HAPPY DIWALI
  • In the name of religious zest, we do all the wrongs and Deepawali festival is one occasion that permits us to torture others by exploding crackers and eating adulterated sweets. Are we not guilty of our own misdemeanor at electing the rulers who fail to provide us good rule, administration, clean air, water and land to live on? Necessities like house, employment and health are not on their priorities but only Power, Power and Power for them, by them and of them (them means their family, kin and kiths generations to come)

    Why we choose parties that rule with fractured mandate. Even any party maybe wrong should have absolute majority. Then only the ills of the Administration will be abolished.

    We are ruled by British rules administered by Indian Skin Governors and IAS officers .Who has No Bharat living in them. But British India.

    Britishers had devised the system so that Cream of earnings, of tax, revenue will be passed on to Britain, Great Britain and Great Kings coffers. But for whom we are following same system. We abolished the poor Indian Kings; we robbed them off their meager income and now look what has happened.

    Multiparty system, multi layered office bearers and their entourage, using Govt. machinery to service and suck our blood.

    Till our people are not waking up. We will have this disease living on and on….

    Faith Blinds people, Religious leaders connive with political leaders to keep people blind.

    We have already torn land with Naxalites, Maoists, terrorist, fundamentalist, woman haters are on prowl. You name it but list will be unending. We will be discussing on Web/net and Terrorists will strike the whole India when no one will be there to cry for our mother or mother land.


    happy deepawali to u n ur family. Anyhow as the name goes is is festival of lights. For me it is a day to be with good friends like u- hahahaha

  • 1 decade ago

    yeah, all that is true. but there is no harm in wishing people a happy Diwali and ask for God's blessings in abundance. After all, that is pure and does not come with a price tag.Dont you think so?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    happy diwali man

    but what's the question

  • 1 decade ago

    Man What is the question?

    Is it a advice?

  • 1 decade ago



  • 1 decade ago


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