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    How do I deal with this ?

    I am a Muslim girl who lives in a society where dating and physical intimacy with a guy before marriage is looked down upon.Although most of the girls in my class have dated and some have hooked up wiyh guys I stayed single and I still consider giving myself up physically a big deel

    There's a guy Im sexually attracted to-we became friends first and had late night conversations where we would sext (which I felt guilty about later but then I feel so attracted to him I couldn't help it) .We haven't connected emotionally too much which bothers me as he doesn't really go deep into things but we broke up and I ended things because I wanted to stay friends as it would get boring further as he kept wanting to move forward sexually and I had my reservations so it wasn't going's still going good as friends  we talk like before but then i still have feelings amd i know it would hurt if he moves on  and I wasted chance because ofy circumstances..i miss him alot and can't stop thinking about him.. what should I do?

    10 AnswersEssen9 months ago
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    Do court officials take claims of wanting to run away seriously?

    I mentioned to a friend that I wanted to run away to get away from my stressful situation. My friend claims that he has to report that as he claims he's a mandated reporter and have to report any potential crimes. I explained to him that I was only ranting. He says it doesn't matter and says when court officials hear this they are going to come after me for violating bond conditions. Is he even being remotely serious about this and do they really take reports like his seriously ? I was only ranting and was frustrated about something, that's why i said what i said.

    5 AnswersDortmund9 months ago
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    Is 2000 included or excluded from the ‘90s?

    Favourite answer:

    It's excluded. It's the first year of the 2000s.

    4 AnswersBonn2 years ago
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    My girlfriend sleeps on me during night and I'm not being able to move when I want to sleep and she said I have to deal with it?

    I do love my girlfriend and she's perfect in everything but during sleep it's really uncomfortable for me like she's sleeping on top of me so I'm not being able to move nor switch portions so I'm stuck at same position which making me hard for me to fall asleep and I talked to her about it but she instead gets mad and says she wants to use me as pillow and I have to deal with me. I'm just so sad she talked to me this way. What should I do?

    18 AnswersDuisburg2 years ago
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    Is college really worth it these days?

    I know somebody who just graduated with a BA in economics 4 months ago and she is now an administrative assistant & receptionist according to her linkedin profile. Is that the best a college graduate could do? I didn't even go to college and I make her than her.

    15 AnswersStuttgart2 years ago
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    Is 2000 included or excluded in the ‘90s?

    Favourite answer:

    excluded. 2000 is 21st century

    14 AnswersCologne2 years ago
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    My mom doesn’t take my mental health seriously?

    Hi, I’m Kayla and I’m 19. About 2 months ago I got out of an emotional and physically abusive relationship that’s left me with severe anxiety and depression. I moved back in with my parents hoping to get some support and never did. It’s like they still don’t even know I’m here. They said they’ll be here when I’m ready to talk but the thing is.... I CANT. I tried to talk to my mom about it and all she said was they it just runs in the family and we all have “those days“ and continued to make it about her. I didn’t get any emotional support at all. Never did growing up. Anyways, I finally got the courage after a month to set an appointment with my GP.

    A few days later, my mom comes asking me for money for rent knowing I’m not working and can’t find a job because my anxiety is really bad. I told her I didn’t have it. And that I am trying to pay for my medical costs right now... and then she continues to ask me the next day for at least half. I spoke to my dad about her struggling and he asked me when I’m getting a job and I couldn’t answer, and he said that they both wanted to have a talk with me about my anxiety and I feel like my mental health is only convenient to them when they need something. I’m not trying to get off topic but my question is am I overreacting? Should I be helping with rent right now since I moved back in? I just feel like I’m not being taken seriously whatsoever and now I feel like a failure because I can’t help them.

    12 AnswersDusseldorf2 years ago
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    Is it bad to fart at a restaurant?

    Favourite answer:

    Nope. It lets the establishment know you really enjoy their cuisine.

    10 AnswersNuremberg2 years ago
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    Is it feasible to send all the liberals to Hawaii and then fence in the Islands so they can't escape?

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    Once they're all there, tell them the island might capsize.

    11 AnswersNuremberg2 years ago
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    Trump is building HIS wall./ trump wins again?

    look as if democrats wont be getting their influx of illegal votes next year.


    6 AnswersEssen2 years ago
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    I'm okay with everything President Trump says, how about you?

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    Trump has been a fighter for America and is doing what every republican only dreamed he could. I dont care what he says so long as he sticks to his campaign promises. That being said i love most of the things he says hes funny and awesome.

    33 AnswersNuremberg2 years ago
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    How is saying "Go back to your country" a racist term?

    How is nationality a race?

    34 AnswersNuremberg2 years ago
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    Is a wind turbine still a clean source of energy if it’s powered by fart?

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    It's more useful to burn the farts, as they consist of almost pure methane - the same ("natural") gas that we in the netherlands cook on. It's also a greenhouse-gas worse than the water and CO2 you get from burning it

    8 AnswersNuremberg2 years ago
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