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    What is the name of this submachine gun?

    Favourite answer:

    I think it's a Sten.

    7 Answers2 years ago
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    Why isn’t Hillary locked up yet?

    Favourite answer:

    Here's how it works:

    1. She has to charged with a crime.

    2. Then and ONLY then, she is arrested.

    3. She is tried in a court of LAW, not popular opinions

    4. Convicted and sentenced by said court.

    That's how it works and none, I say again, NONE of these steps can be bypassed.

    I'm not particular fond of Hillary Clinton either, but if we modify the system to "lock her up" Then you open up a door that is best left shut.

    18 Answers2 years ago
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    What is the name of this semi-automatic pistol?

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    Luger, it's German.

    6 Answers2 years ago
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    What is the name of this submachine gun?

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    i dont know, looks Russian or Bulgarian

    6 Answers2 years ago
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    Bf of two years dumped me without even talking about it?

    My boyfriend and I work together.For the past 4 months I was helping my boyfriend even though we don’t live together. He hit a tough spot with his bills and I’ve been tying to help him as much as I can.

    I gave him money for the light bill and water bill in April. I gave him gas money a few times too. But 2 months ago my boyfriend had received his hospital bill in the mail for being sick and he told me they were going to start to garnish his check because he couldn’t afford the payments.

    So i started working overtime at work to help him get his debt down. He asked me to take out a loan for him but it didn’t get approved so I started working more hours to try and make up for the lack of income.

    My friend asked me why was I working so much lately and I told my best friend at work that a i was helping my boyfriend with the bills until my birthday came. I told her he doesn’t have the motivation to work OT so I’m just trying to help him until he gets hisself sorted out. And i told her i didn’t want him borrowing money from other people so i rather look out for him

    She went back and told my boyfriend what I said and he dumped me ghosted me and I’m not sure what I did.

    5 Answers2 years ago
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    About the live action Little Mermaid movie?

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    I've heard Disney did it on purpose as a marketing strategy. They're getting a lot of free advertising, that's for sure. I also heard no actual redheads auditioned or even expressed interest in the role (except bhad bhabie on Twitter who's far too ghetto and not a natural redhead). They needed someone who could sing and act, so that really put limits on it.

    Finding someone of the right size and body type to be a mermaid as well as having high-budget studio quality acting and singing skills on top of being a redhead sounds like a pain in the butt to cast.

    4 Answers2 years ago
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    Is there a name where 2000 is put in the same timeline as the ‘90s?

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    Yes, it is called the moron timeline.

    5 Answers2 years ago
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    What should I do about my job situation?

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    2 choices. Keep working and doing a good job and eventually you will get promoted.

    Or find another job.

    I got promoted when my boss told the DM about me. Then I got promoted again when they fired the manager because I had been around the longest and I was smart. When I became manager, I could hire my own assistant managers although my boss gave me one.

    My DM did not force anyone on me and I turned down one girl.

    Generally, longevity will get you promoted...eventually.

    One of my assistants was so good I kept bragging about him to my boss and he got his own store.

    Cream rises to the top.

    Maybe the DM considers you too young?

    6 Answers2 years ago