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    Can I run a bridged 4 ohm amp into a 4 ohm dual voice coil without running the sub in parallel or series safely?

    Favourite answer:

    The minimum impedance of a bridged 4 ohm per channel amplifier is usually 8 ohms so if the voice coils of a single 4 ohm dvc sub are wired in series the answer is yes as long as the rms power output of the amplifier does not exceed the rms power handling rating of the sub by a large amount.

    UPDATE - Guess what - I found the manual online. Your amp DOES bridge to 4 ohms which is atypical for most 2-channel car amplifiers. However, if your Rockford punch sub is a P2D4 your only wiring option is series for 8 ohms, so the amp is still only going to produce 280 watts with it connected unless you get a second sub and wire the vc's series and the subs in parallel. If your sub is a P2D2 then wiring the vc's in series will provide 4 ohms impedance and the amp will operate to the full 560 watts with it.

    4 Answers2 years ago