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  • Would this do the trick?

    So I'm applying a paste on my hair made of yogurt, honey, lemon juice, cinnamon and coffee, and leaving it on for 10-12 hours overnight. I have black hair, and was hoping to naturally lighten my hair. Will this make my hair a brownish tint in one go?

    1 AnswerHair6 years ago
  • Will this get me fit?

    Hi! I want to lose some belly fat I have. I have been recently doing some simple exercises.

    I do around 200-250 push-ups a day, that is to gain muscle, and I also do cardio exercises (biking). I do around 10 kilometres (6 miles) daily. I want to know the amount of change that my body will witness. So could you please tell me how much change will occur in a month if I do this? (Note that I'm not overweight, but I do have some stomach fat)


    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • What will happen in Book 2 of Korra?

    What do you think will be the plot? What will be the threat? I know that some parts in the book will be in the spirit world. Will there still be an Equalist problem? Maybe Hiroshi Sato becomes the new leader. Please Give me some clues. If using any website, please give the link. Also, what will happen between Asami, Mako and Korra? I think Masami is better than Makorra. And what about Bolin. I know that he participates in the Fire Ferrets again, and Mako is a policeman.

    1 AnswerOther - Television8 years ago
  • Cockatiels abandoned eggs? Please help!!!!?

    My bird laid 2 eggs (she has a mate. We didn't put any bedding yet, so my mother made a nest out of rope and took the eggs out using gloves. She places the eggs on the nest. Then, we saw that it was difficult for them to put the eggs on the nest so we took it out and placed paper shredding. My birds didn't see my mom do any of this (I took them to another room). After that, I didn't see them incubating the eggs. I also saw them mating this morning. This is the first time they laid eggs. Is there something I did wrong?

    1 AnswerBirds8 years ago
  • Is there any way to tell if a cockatiel egg is fertile?

    My female cockatiel laid an egg a few days ago (she has a a mate). I want to know if there's a way to know if they're fertile WITHOUT the candle method. I'm nervous because I had a cockatiel who laid 3 clutches of eggs and none of them turned out to be fertile. Also, are cockatiel eggs in captivity (mediocre bird owner) usually fertile? Thanks :)

    1 AnswerBirds8 years ago
  • Why do people hate America so much?

    Almost every Middle Eastern country hates America, along with some European countries. Every country calls Americans fat (ha ha on those 'cause America has won more Olympic medals than any other country). They also call Americans dumb and unaware of anything outside of it. Brits haaaaaate Americans. Whenever I see a question on Yahoo! about America, there is always some Brit who calls America fat and dumb and how UK will always be better than them. There is reason to hate America, like how it just crushed and destroyed Iraq's economy at a vulnerable time or how it bombed Japan. But America has also done a lot of good, too. When Haiti was struck by an earthquake, America helped them the most, whereas countries such as UK didn't care. America also helped a bit when Japan got damaged. Not to mention that Europe would be Germany if US didn't help. Everybody, and I mean everybody, only notices the bad things. I've lived in Ohio and there was no racism at all. Blacks have become a part of their culture. I think that UK and Australia are more racist.

    7 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • Is it safe to give my birds tap water?

    I've been giving them tap water to drink. Is it safe? Nothing seems to be wrong but I'd still like to know. Thanks:)

    5 AnswersBirds8 years ago
  • What bird should I get?

    I want to get a bird, as I said in the question, but which one should I get? No cockatiels, since I already have 2 (they're so cute!) or parakeets (budgies) because my friend said they're too small and if we take them out, it'll be hard to get back in their cage. I was thinking maybe a cockatoo or a macaw, but my mom wants a cockatoo as she says a macaw is too big, loud and expensive ($700) and hard to take care of. Can you suggest any good species? Oh and I live in India so it has to be legal. Thank you!

    7 AnswersBirds8 years ago