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    Ok, well my familys LG Plasma (Not sure of the Model etc), was working fine like 4 hours ago, my mum went to turn it on a hour ago and there was only sound, my dads really pissed and were not sure what to do, we cant see anything the tv only has sound no display, please help, getting a new tv is something we cant afford right now.

    3 AnswersTVs9 years ago
  • Should i become a IT Teacher?

    My sister is a Primary school techer,

    and i really really love IT, And i'm good at HTML, PHP, VB.Net, MYSQL, C#, C++ i know a lot, i was wondering, should i become a IT Teacher?, i seriously don't know wat im goign to do with my life and it's coming close to graduation say a year or less or more.

    1 AnswerTeaching9 years ago
  • Include another form text?

    How can i include another form's code in Visual Basic,

    So theres some things in the other form i want to use in this, but i don't want it to be messy.

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design9 years ago
  • Well i'm making a application you can talk to in visual basic?

    And i was wondering how would i do something like, If the textbox.text contains something that doesn't have a use it'll show up Error, Eg: Theres hello,hi,whats up,blahblahblah in use, and for example dsdsjfsuf and john isn't in use, How could i make it show up error if it comes up something that isn't in use, basicly like a error if nothing is using it.

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design9 years ago