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  • Why is all the efforts of doctors around the world and the WHO going towards vaccines for COVID-19 instead of cure?

    I am not saying that the vaccine is bad, I wonder why the medical lobby does not work in two ways, developing new, more effective and safe vaccines and drugs for those who, for various reasons, cannot or simply do not want vaccines, but all efforts are towards intimidation and harassment people who just don't want to be made happy by force :-)

    Because it looks like a sketch with a fat man from Python's Flying Circus

    1 AnswerInfectious Diseases1 week ago
  • Does Captain Kirk was tried to commit genocide via Starfleet General Order 24?

    I'm from Poland I'm 35 years old(born April 1986) in my country I watched all Star Trek series except the original Star Trek because it was a bit not as cool as the more modern one, but I'm catching up :-)

    I watched some of TOS but not all

    But captain Jean-Luc Picard was my favourite one :-)

    But recently I decided to watch TOS, it's partly because it's on Netflix here in Europe 

    But one episode  "A Taste of Armageddon" captain Kirk issue order 24 "General Order 24 that is to destroy life entire on the planet, and it kind of genocidal order if someone asks me, and very much more Terran 

    Not very much benevolent Federation :-)

    2 AnswersDrama1 week ago
  • How did it happen that when you watch old vintage Soviet or American films, mission control centers, everyone smoked and now it's taboo?

    When looking at old archival footage from NASA's US mission control center in Houston, or from the Soviet / Russian space control center in Moscow, all controllers smoked, but not now :-)

    7 AnswersHistory2 weeks ago
  • What do you think about kids that sell contraband food like energy drinks to kids below a certain age?

    I am a Pole, recently I watched an interesting lecture on the free market, made by the party of Janusz Korwinn Mikke, Korwin said that when there was communism in Poland, he earned money by distributing books prohibited by communist censorship, authors such as Orwell, Solzhenitsyn, or Suvorov, said that he wasn't doing it out of the heart, but in order to cash in on losers who want to buy the forbidden stuff.

    He said that allegedly Great Britain was banned from selling energy drinks, he said that if such a ban was introduced in Poland, he would persuade his grandchildren, if they were still attending school, to sell these drinks to their friends.

    He said that in Norway there was once a ban on skateboarding, and skateboards were confiscated by Norwegian customs officers at the border, the ban was dictated by the fact that skateboarding is said to be a very dangerous sport, so for the sake of children it was completely outlawed in Norway "for the sake of children", but a few resourceful Norwegians they traded in them despite the ban without paying neither duty nor VAT, earning several times more than the market value of these skateboards was worth, because every time a socialist or commie bids something, someone resourceful will earn from such a ban.

    He also said to read Milton Friedman's books :-)

    Politics3 weeks ago
  • Gluten And Lactose Problems In Autism?

    As a kid I was diagnosed with a digestive disorder, celiac disease and lactose intolerance, I grew out of celiac disease over time, but the allergy to fresh milk remained, and I also had a candida yeast infection. (I read on the internet on websites dedicated to a healthy lifestyle that it's common for people with ASD)

    As a result, I was treated in the best hospital in my country, Poland, which is the "Children's Memorial Health Institute" in Warsaw.

    As a child I had behavioural problems, although it improved over time, the initial diagnosis was that I have ADHD but I was not hyperactive at all, and the teacher liked me, so I was eventually diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome

    Now I'm 35 years old.

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases3 weeks ago
  • Do you think the pandemic will end this year and will it ever end?

    Do you think the pandemic will end this year and will it ever end?

    There are those who associate the vaccine with the mark of the beast from the book of Revelation, besides, there is much evidence that the vaccination should be repeated every year as the antibodies to COVID19 last only 6 months.

    3 AnswersInfectious Diseases3 weeks ago
  • How is it that the biggest opponents of COVID-19 vaccination, due to possible fertility problems, are the elderly and gays?

    Not get me wrong I'm not entirely convived to vaccination myself, I got a severe allergic reaction to the MMR vaccine myself then I was exempted due to immune deficiency i was born in Poland mid 80's and I still live there, in my country we had a vaccination ratio of almost 100% which was comparable to so-called 1st world countries, like America.

    During my childhood, I have loot of digestion problems Celiac disease  (from which I have eventually outgrown) and Lactose intolerance in early 00's I was diagnosed with mild Autism, Asperger Syndrome type that is now classified as ASD :-)

    My mum died in 2017 :-( So before the pandemic but she was convinced that my Asperger was due vaccination, and after watching on tv a certain British now-disgraced doctor on TV that she was all the time right.

    Returning to the main subject when I talked about COVID vaccination with one old neighbour of mine 

    When I talked about vaccines with my elderly neighbour, she is very sceptical.

    Once, I also talked about vaccines in our Polish gay forum, I am gay but "not a practitioner" because it conflicts with my religious beliefs as a Catholic Christian.

    My point is that the biggest argument against vaccinations is fertility problems, among people who either cannot have children anymore because of or are statistically very unlikely to have any for obvious reasons :-)

    I would try to take shoot (no pun intended :-) ) if I know that i do not get anaphylaxis because of it.

    2 AnswersInfectious Diseases3 weeks ago
  • What do you think about Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia, many accuse him of being a dictator because he has ruled since 2000?

    What do you think about Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia, many accuse him of being a dictator because he has ruled since 2000, but Angela Merkel rules Germany almost as much the same since 2005 not get my wrong as Pole I'm the last person who would prise Putin but for Poland, we have a term limit for president max two terms because we based our constitution on American on and the first constitution of Poland was the first modern constitution in Europe and just 2nd after the American one 

    and in ancient Rome was only a 6-month term limit for every Consule.

    I'm just wondering why we accuse Putin of being dictator and not look at ourselves, for example, Mr Kaczyński who is the Law and Justice head of the party he is in our Sejm (parliament) since overthrowing of communism.

    And I read that in the British House of Commons or/and in US Congress are MPs/Congresspersons who seat there for several decades I wonder does it not should be some kind of term limit for people sitting on parliament as it is for a head of state?

    3 AnswersPolitics3 weeks ago
  • I wonder how you ever deliberately sabotaged your grades at school or your work performance if your parents or boss forced you?

    I wonder how you ever deliberately sabotaged your grades at school or your work performance if your parents or boss forced you to activities you not liked?

    I have one friend whose parents tried to force him into sciences (in Great Brittain and USA) called STEM while he preferred humanities, so he deliberately sabotaged his own grades to the point of almost repeating the whole year, his parents eventually given up and allowed  him to switch but he needs a lot of work to make all the difference in curriculum 

    And the same goes work have you even deliberately reduced you work performance if other people took all the credit but not you?

  • Why is the lockdown due to COVID-19 if ordinary flu can kill a person, and that coronaviruses cause colds has been known for 40 years?

    Why is the lockdown due to COVID-19 if is known that ordinary flu can kill a person and that coronaviruses cause colds has been known for 40 years?

    3 AnswersInfectious Diseases4 weeks ago
  • How is that, that most people that ignoring lockdown because feel that their religious freedom is infringed usually are not religious? ?

    How is that, that most people that ignoring lockdown because feel that their religious freedom is infringed usually ware not religious prior pandemic :-)

    I'm speaking from a European perspective, Polish perspective to be exact :-)

    People who gave a **** on religious celebration two years ago, and mocked people who go to church, suddenly calling the government of my Country that are Illuminati-zionist that Polish government and Government of our biggest neighbour and trade partner  Germany under Angela Merkel are Illuminati 

    Even though i must admit I like to troll our European and American left-wingers it's the amount of absurdity I never cross 

    One of my friends said that he gave a **** about government regulation because they would not infringe his religious freedom during Easter, I pointed that he did not care about before so how this change at of sudden :-)

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture4 weeks ago
  • Do Law and Justice are not always the same?

    In my country Poland we have a party called Law and Justice, I very like to watch certain vlogger who ran centrist vlog here it's called Widoprezentacje it run by a guy who is a lawyer who used to say that in his law school he learned that concept of Law and Justice is not always the same because it's chance that Law will be injust for some people, and if someone is centrist he or she will be thrown of **** from the right and leftwing 

    That was some time when left-wing politician could work for hand by hand with right-wing and vice versa but not anymore due to political polarization, and it's seen in almost every country :-(

    1 AnswerPolitics4 weeks ago
  • What do you think about Global Economic Reset, Great Reset, some saying that financier plan to use COVID-19 Pandemic for it?

    To make the wealthy even more wealthier and poor even poorer.

    That they plan deprive people property.

    I wonder what if all countries in the world not make default their debts and not tell the global elite to **** off, everybody knows that these debts  are artificial and are in currencies that even not real, even bitcoin have more real value than Euro, US Dollar, or British Pound 

    1 AnswerEconomics4 weeks ago
  • How come April Fools days? it's known from ancient time in whole Europe (I'm from Poland) and from I know it's also celebrated in America?

    How come April Fools days? it's known from ancient time in whole Europe (I'm from Poland) and from I know it's also celebrated in America? 

    One of my aunt that sad;y died few months ago, was born at April Fools and my niece cousin was also born at that day, it's a funny day to be born 

    The story I wrote above is true it not an April fool joke, I think it's funny to be born or die at that die, almost like if somebody was born or die on February 29 xD

    BTW I think it's an ideal day to start a war because I think nobody would think it's genuine 

    1 AnswerOther - Cultures & Groups4 weeks ago
  • How is the drinking culture of Europe and America different? In the sense of the difference between us (in Europe) 18 and the USA 21 years?

    If it comes to me I'm over of both and drink alcohol very rarely, and if so, mostly beer, but I prefer to buy my favourite Tullamore Dew Irish Whisky or American Jack Daniels American Teenese Whisky for me 35 years old birthday in mid-April some saying I'm traitor because as Pole I should drink Polish Rye Vodka Wybrowa xD

    I drank strong liquors very rarely mostly on my birthday or mine friends, or special occasion I have very mild Asperger Syndrome and I'm interested in Philosophy, Ethics,  Psychology, Theology 

    I talked to my friends about the cultural differences between Europe and America (I am writing in a broader perspective because I also mean South America, not only the USA) and the Islamic countries.

    I once spoke with a friend from Ireland that in the US people who were allegedly arrested for underage drinking (i.e. under the age of 21 under American conditions) are therefore rejected from prestigious universities as potential students, which we think is stupid.

    But another friend (a woman) says that she even understands this, because "Whoever is faithful in a little thing will also be faithful in much; and whoever is dishonest in a little thing will be dishonest also in much" (Luke 16:10)

    If something is not allowed, it is not allowed that if someone who is to be the elite of a given country breaks minor rules, what will he do when he manages big things?

    7 AnswersOther - Society & Culture4 weeks ago
  • I wonder does I'm Jerk just because I have Asperger's? I like to start talking on hot button topics just to piss of interlocutor? :-) ?

    I'm Polish and know several languages, but not in written form, for example when i write using Grammarly and Google Translate :-)

    I'm Catholic yet I love dissing priest about sexual molestation in my church or writing about the mistreatment of Palestinian to piss off Jewish People even though I know several genuine Polish Jews who still live in my country

    Or piss off my older brother by telling him that I'm gay, with is true, even if i would tell him that I'm even if I wasn't just to check his reaction :-) because my older brother believe in all that leftist crap, don't get me wrong helping others is good, but most of our European left want to help others but not from their purse! ;-)

    So I told my older brother that I'm homosexual, I would prefer to by straight, my brother was not pleased :-)

    I told him that he need eat whole leftist **** no cherrypicking  ;-)

    My older bro told I'm annoying like Q from Star Trek.

    For unknown reason, people like me even though i'm not always nice to them.

    One of my friends told that i',m nice good man even though I'm act like a jerk sometimes :/

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture4 weeks ago