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Lv 44,965 points


Favourite answers44%
  • Seeking microvolunteers to help me?

    I am after online resources where I can request volunteers to help me in promoting a form of volunteering called microvolunteering. I am after out-of-the box ideas rather than your typical Volunteer Match or Idealist type of websites. Thanks in advance.

    3 AnswersCommunity Service9 years ago
  • Pyjama volunteering initiative requests a favour!?

    I've been shortlisted down to the final 3 in a prestigious UK Digital Heroes competition for my efforts to encourage people to participate in micro-volunteering actions, ie. those actions that take between 10 seconds and 30 minutes to complete, via an initiative I run called Help From Home using the tagline, 'Change the world in just your pyjamas'. Micro effort, Macro impact!

    The voting address is here and I'm hoping to garner votes for myself, Mike Bright.

    No registration is required, just vote and go. Voting ends Nov 12th, 2010.

    My question is, as to how to collect as many votes as I can, as winning the competition would enable me to to promote micro-volunteering to school kids (Help From School), the responsible tourist market (Help From Holiday) and prisons. I already promote it to office workers and care home residents as well as to people within their own homes.

    If anybody knows of any relevant forums, messageboards, people, friends, family, organisations that might be able to assist here, then that would be very much appreciated. If you're able to give me the web addresses of any forums or messageboards, then that would be great.

    Thanks so much in advance.

    1 AnswerCommunity Service1 decade ago