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  • Not a questions - just a correction to some wrong camera info?

    You can use a 4GB sd card in your camera as long as it is not a SDHC card. I have an older Canon SD550 and have a 4 GB card in it right now. The shot counter goes all the way to over 3900 in fine and 1212 in superfine. The menu shows I have 3.7 GB on the card to use.

    2 AnswersCameras1 decade ago
  • A bit of history question - slogan "Bumper to the Flag"?

    This slogan dates back to the US civil war. I have seen it on many glasses and even on a beer stein I recently purchased. Does anyone have any idea what it means, how it got started, or where it first appeared?


    1 AnswerHistory1 decade ago
  • how do I find a software programmer to write a program for me?

    I am a one-person company and am currently using a dBase / Clipper program written many years ago and modified by someone who didn't make the changes exactly right. Really want to get away from a DOS based system because Microsoft will not support a DOS program very much longer.

    This program calculates gas and electric utilities, produces bills and management reports. Altogether there are only four forms - the bills, a monthly recap, a moving 12 month report, and a meter reading log. All have to be printed on an Epson MX80/LQ570 dot matrix printer. The bills have to hit boxes preprinted on the continuous feed forms and are bottom fed to the printer.

    7 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago