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★Hv a gr8 day !!~☺ A Wrong attitude will never get u the Right things in life ! ❀Phir Milenge ..... Insha -Allah ! Au revoir ~ ❤Its good to have an End to a journey towards .....➹ {yr goal/aim} But its the Journey that matters in the End ..! ~ Smile ~ ✺It enhances yr face vaule ! It's worth millions but doesn't cost a dime ! ☂If life tries to drown u, become a Submarine ! ★One who looks outside, dreams One who looks inside, awakens ! ❥Worries don't take away tomorrows troubles But it takes away Today's Peace ! ♣Love is one long sweet dream, and marriage is the alarm clock ! ✈ The lesser the traffic of thoughts, The smoother the journey ! ☆Life is too short to hold grudges... Just, Let Go ...! ☃ After eating an entire bull, a lion felt so good he started roaring. He kept it up until a hunter came along & shot him. Moral: When u r full of bull keep yr mouth shut !
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