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  • How doctors can judge a person is depressed or not?

    What are the factors doctors are looking before starting medication?

    7 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • Do you agree the following steps to stress?


    1. The starting point to turn stress into success is to lessen your load. Eighty percent of the cure can come out of writing down all your cares and responsibilities in order of priority, then eliminating the least important.

    2. Remember that Superman and Superwoman exist only in comics and films. Everybody has a breaking point, so recognize yours and call a halt before you reach your limit.

    3. With stress comes pent-up feelings. Get them "off your chest" by sharing them with a trusted friend or counselor. This of itself can bring immediate relief and helps you to think and plan more objectively.

    4. Stop fighting situations that can't be changed. As one father told his impatient teenager, "If you would only realize and accept the fact that life is a struggle, things would be so much easier for you." Learning to live with and get on top of struggles is what helps us grow and mature.

    5. Watch your diet and eating habits. When under stress we tend to overeat—especially junk food which increases stress. A balanced diet of proteins, vitamins, and fiber while also eliminating white sugar, caffeine, too much fat, alcohol and nicotine is essential for lowering stress and its effects.

    6. Be sure to get plenty of physical exercise. This keeps you healthier and helps burn up excess adrenaline caused by stress and its accompanying anxiety.

    7. The ultimate answer to turning stress into success is to learn to trust God through Jesus Christ and live in harmony with his will for your daily life. God's peace comes through accepting and trusting in Jesus Christ.

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • All scripture (Bible) is inspired by God 2 Timothy 3:16 Do you believe?

    Bible can't be contaminated by any one as some argue.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christianity is a Personal relationship with Jesus.Do you agree?

    A person who is following Jesus Christ is a christian whether he comes from any religion.Religion is man made.Christianity is not a religion,rather it is a personal relationship with the living God through Jesus.If you want to become a christian accept Jesus for the remission of your sins.Jesus is the only provision for man's sins.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is Jehovah is the God of Abraham?

    Jehovah is the God of Abraham-Allah is not the God of Abraham.

    Allah was not known as God of Abraham by the Meccan Arabs.Allah was the moon God worshiped by Meccan Arabs before Mohammad came on the scene.

    Mohammad's father, grand father and all his ancestors WORSHIPED the moon god ALLAH. Allah became the supreme god of all the 360 idol gods worshiped by the meccan arabs.Mohammad's father was the keeper of the kaaba in which there were 360 idols.Mohammad's father's name was Abd - Allah, meaning servant of Allah the Moon God because he was the keeper of Kaaba. When Mohammad was born, his grand father offered mohammad to the Moon God Allah.

    All Meccan Arabs faced and bowed & PROSTRATED TOWARDS KAABA and made pilgrims to the KAABA inside which were 360 idols. Today, All Muslims without any doubts are doing exactly the same thing facing, bowing & prostrating to Kaaba and thus Mohammad laid precident for muslims even to make pilgrim to the Kaaba and the truth of the fact we see moon on all mosques, flags, islamic art, books, etc.Thus Allah is NOT the God of Abraham, Moses, etc.Allah the arab word meaning in English God

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Did jesus claim to be God?

    John the disciple said Jesus is the God.John1:1,Jesus said I and my Father are one John 10:30.Jesus accepted the worship.Disciples worshipped jesus after the resurrection.Thomas said my God and my Lord. why are you so confused and particular about that one word. Of course for every thing there should be a back up from the scripture. For accepting Jesus as God almighty is also there is back up from the scripture. You people are simply ignoring those verses and searching for only one direct word.

    Why you are ignoring Jesus direct sayings that he is Alpha and omega (the first and the last). The first and the last can only be god almighty.Can any prophet like Moses, Daniel, etc. say these words like I am the first and last the alpha and omega? You are aware of lot many other verses that jesus clearly said that he himself is the father God.

    Why you are ignoring the almighty God's commandment that everybody on the earth and the angels of the heaven should respect and worship the son AS EQUAL AS THE FATHER.

    Because word was made flesh, Jesus was in the form of a man and in a servant form he did not say that I am god worship me in the form of a man/servant. You don't bother about what the almighty father says about the son but You worry about why did jesus not say that I am god directly.

    It is true born after the flesh identifies only physical things and born after the spirit identifies spiritual things as per Galatians chapter 4

    22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is Rama and Krishna are legendary figures?

    A hindu friend Gauorav stated the following lines. the Vayu Purana (70.47-48) there is a description that when Ravana met Lord Rama, in a battle wherein Ravana and his followers were killed in the 24th Treta-yuga.The Matsya Purana (47/240,243-246) is another source that also says Bhagawan Rama appeared at the end of the 24th Treta-yuga.

    So, without getting too complicated about things, from the 24th Treta-yuga to the present age of this 28th cycle of Kali-yuga, there is obviously a difference of millions of years when Lord Rama manifested here on earth. This gives the period of Lord Rama approximately 18 million years ago. Of course, few people may believe this unless they are already familiar with the vast lengths of time that the Vedic literature deals with.

    Now the question is how come Rama who lived in 18 million years ago.

    I don't agree with story of 18 million years.The oldest civilisation in the world is indus valley civilization dating back to 5000 years.So it is very clear that Raman is a legendary and the first human civilization has dating before 10,000 years.Any body can say any date .It should be supported with history and archeology.So it is very clear that Rama and Krishna are legendary figures.

    4 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Is it possible that Raman and Krishnan were just mythological characters?

    Is it possible that RAMAN and KRISHNAN were just mythological characters?Yes they were.Valmiki wrote Ramayana and Mahabharata as a novel to teach the good living.Where as vedas and Upanishads are the Scriptures of hindus.

    7 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • God hates idol worship of any kind? WHY?

    Worship the God in truth and spirit?

    14 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Muslims are converted to Christianity Why?

    35,000 Moslems convert into Christianity each year in TurkeyPosted: Oct 30, 2009 Fri 10:58 am Views: 507 Interacts: 3

    Istanbul, Jan. 23--(UPI) Some 35,000 Turks converted from Islam to Christianity last year,with most joining evangelical congregations the newspaper, "Milliet," reports. If true, this would amount to a mass movement, considering Christians make up only 0.2 percent of Turkey's 68 million population. "This is news to me," said the Rev. Holger Nollmann, the German Protestant pastor in Istanbul

    30 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Life threat against a muslim lady who refused to wear burqa in India.Do you agree this uncivilized act?

    Against the veil. You can decide whether you want to live or die. warning by soldiers of Islam.You can decide whether you want to live or die. We, the soldiers of Islam, gave you time till now. No more forgiveness for you. It will be done before this 26th...a kafir like you doesn't deserve to be pardoned." These are the words in an anonymous letter (written in Malayalam,an Indian language) that Rayana R Khazi received on September 16. It is the latest in a series of death threats that she has been receiving ever since she refused to wear burga.She has finished her aeronautical engineering from a prestigious college in chennai India.

    9 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • God said "Let us make man in our own image".Genesis 1:26 Did triune God invole in creation?.Do you agree?.?

    Bible starts with the creation of the universe.In the beginning God created heavens and earth.Genesis 1:1.Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the waters.v.2.All things were created through Jesus christ.John1:3.God the father,God the son Jesus Christ and God the Holy spirit equally involved in the creation process

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Bible says God said "let us make man in our own image "Genesis1:26?

    Triune God's presence is seen there.God the father,God the son Jesus and the God the Holy spirit. Koran states that " WE have created you from a single male and female in order to populate the earth " . the word WE is in the plural -- therefore more than one.Who are the others?

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago