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  • Hello guys. I was wondering if anyone knows about Motocross and Dirt racing academies/Gurus in Pune, India?

    I'm very much interested in these particular sports and I'm dying to race on track since riding like a maniac on the roads is simply dangerous and unacceptable! I've been trailing so far but I really want to compete against other racers in a controlled riding environment. If anyone can point me in right direction, their gesture will be highly appreciated. If anyone knows or has got a contact or if they themselves teach, please inbox me. People who suggest 'I-Land Racing academy' please note that I live in Pune, and this academy (first and only one in India) is situated in Wadala, Mumbai, so travelling even on weekend basis is not possible (tutorials and all).

    Hoping for right answers. Btw I'm 19 years old, yeah I know a little too late to start but I got my first naked motorcycle last year, spent a whole year learning the art of motorcycle, and after rigorous riding finally I want to learn Motocross.

    Thank you!

    1 AnswerMotorcycle Racing7 years ago