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How can l get to a site for project management, pls.?
Looking for a site for project management to download some information for my project in construction. Please help!
2 AnswersSearch Engine Optimization10 years agoI drive Astra G with Ecotec '99 engine.?
The problem is anytime the battery is removed and fixed back, the engine revs very high for a long time and after so many attempts of on and off before coming down to 1000revs (normal). Is there anything to do to avoid or stop this?
1 AnswerOpel1 decade agoI drive a '99 model of Astra G with Ecotec engine. Recently an amber light indicating ABS .?
This shows on the dashboard. Really the break pads have worn out . So I have them changed but the light still remains on the dashboard. What should I do.Please help.
3 AnswersOpel1 decade agoI drive '99 model of Astra G with Ecotec engine. Recently an amber light indicating ABS in circle showed up on?
Really my brake pads were worn out. So l changed them. However, the light indicating the problem still remains on the dashboard. What should l do. Please your advice.
2 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade agoI drive '99 model of Astra G with Ecotec engine. Recently an amber light indicating ABS in circle showed up on?
Really my brake pads were worn out. So l changed them. However, the light indicating the problem still remains on the dashboard. What should l do. Please your advice.
1 AnswerOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade agoI drive Astra MK4 '99 model with Ecotec engine.?
Someone said the back absorbers are the inflatable type. If it's so, how can l do that. Where are the knob or inlet for the air located?
Secondly, l have problem with the external body cover for the fuel tank. It can no longer be locked. Please help.
2 AnswersOpel1 decade agoWhere can l download owner's operation manual for Opel Astra G '99/00 ECOTEC model. Please help?
Also l told that the back shockabsorbers are the inflatable types. Where are the nozzles located for connection for the air/ pump.
2 AnswersOpel1 decade agoHow do l locate the sensors on '99/'00 Astra G?
After moving for a few kms a light indicating an emission problems appears on the panel. It's been happening for sometime now. Does it mean the sensor is bad. How do l decode or understand the various signals for bad sensors and where to locate them on the car. Please help.
1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoPlease Help?. One of the headlights of my Opel Astra G Ecotec 2000 model is alway misty or foggy. ?
What could be the problem?. The vent ducts are all clear.
3 AnswersOpel1 decade agoI drive Opel Astra G with Ecotec engine of '00 make.?
Earlier on after service, l could use it without any drop in the oil level.
Now it happens, ALMOST to the min gauge level. Anyway after about 2000 Kms Please advice. What could be the problem.
1 AnswerOpel1 decade agoCan anyone help please. Where and how do l get black sulphur?
1 AnswerOther - Science1 decade agoSulphur is a chemical substace light yellowish in colour but there is this type which is black is colour?
I have just read about this substance and l would like to see it. Can any one help me where and how to get some of this substance. It is absolutely for peaceful purposes. Thanks.
2 AnswersChemistry1 decade agoWhat are the uses of black sulphur? How can l get some. Please help!?
I have just read about the substace black sulphur and l thick it sounds great, however, l need more information about it and possibly where and how to get some.
2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoWhat do I look out for in an 'as built drawings' being demanded from my electrical contractor.?
I expect to see all cables and cable path as laid in the building. Are the cable specs. and colour codings necessary. Please I need all the necessary informations that need to be indicated on the drawings before accepting it. Thanks.
5 AnswersEngineering1 decade agoCould it be an allergie? My wife's throat itches badly.?
She sneezes alot and cough as well. After sometime she feels pains and sometimes headaches.Various visits to the doctors could only help temporary. Can anyone help please?
1 AnswerAllergies1 decade agoCould it be an allergie? My wife's throat itches badly.?
She sneezes alot and cough as well. After sometime she feels pains and sometimes headaches.Various visits to the doctors could only help temporary. Can anyone help please?
3 AnswersAllergies1 decade agoI need owner's manual for Opel Astra G '97 model. Any help?
3 AnswersOpel1 decade agoWhat could be the problem. My 1998 Opel Astra ecotec engine jerks as the engine runs on free or stationary.?
Your advice on how to rectify this.
1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago